Personal Capacity

SAIL - Separation Anxiety - Facing the Tears and Fears

Posted : 2019

In my role as College Psychologist and SAIL Driector (Wellbeing) at St Andrew’s Anglican School, I am often asked by parents “How can I support my child when they feel anxious about going to school?”. I like to encourage families to view separation anxiety not as an event to ‘cure,’ but rather a process that requires understanding, empathy and calmness to best manage those situations where separation is necessary. In this four-part series, I’ll be talking about the 4 C’s of Parenting that matter most to children who experience separation anxiety. In fact, as you will see, these C’s apply for most cases of anxiety.


St Andrew's Insititue of Learning

40 Peregian Springs Dr
Peregian Springs
QLD Australia 4573